You have plenty of time to get back on track with your New Years’ resolutions. It’s better to make small goals to help bring you to your larger, long-term goals.
Resolutions generally fail because people choose goals that they dread doing every day. It’s essential to pick up goals that you enjoy doing. Let’s say you want to start exercising five times a week - you may be better off starting with a 30-minute walk versus a 30 minute HIIT session.
Here are some tips to stay committed to your goals this year in any area of your life.
Write it down
Take time to write about a goal, why you are doing it, how you’ll achieve it, and when. Writing about it will help bring clarity to your goals. You’ll be able to map out the beginning, middle, and end. Make clear objectives and directly understand where you have to go to make it happen.
Break it down
You don’t need to set goals and resolutions for the entire year. You can start for the week ahead, next month, or even three months. Write down your goals one by one, month by month. Be open to adapting to change.
Finding your why is crucial to helping you succeed. If you want to be more active, is it because you want to look a certain way, or is it because you want to see your grandkids grow up. Look at how your goals will add value to your life.
Focus on action
Take control of goals by focusing on the action points - these are the areas you can control. A series of steps will serve as a roadmap to keep you moving forward. Observe what is working and what is not.
Learn from your mistakes and setbacks
Not everything can come easy - and that is okay. Mishaps are an opportunity to learn from experiences - no one is perfect, mistakes happen, and they are full of wisdom. That being said, don’t forget to celebrate the successful moments too!
Tell a loved one
Find someone who can help you stay accountable for your goals. Having someone to talk to about your goals and strategy can help you stay motivated. You may even inspire them to make a positive change in their life!
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